Minggu, 17 April 2016

This one trick creates instant female desire

What's up here - did you know there is one simple body language trick you can do that will make women desire you instantly?

You see, most guys, when they meet a girl (either casually or for a date) will do the same thing. They'll face the girl head-on with their body - full frontal - giving her their undivided attention. 
They might even bend down a little to listen to her or lean in. 

So, what's the problem with that? It demonstrates, on a subconscious level, that you are subservient to her and too eager to please her like a puppy dog begging for a treat. No, this isn't something she thinks consciously, but it is registered on a biological subconscious level. 

Instead, approach a girl like you normally would (head-on), greet her normally, then IMMEDIATELY turn to the side with your shoulder pointing to her. Do so while standing up straight and not leaning down or leaning in. 

On a subconscious level, her brain goes, "Wait a minute - he gave me his attention… and then he took it away. What's going on here?"

It's not that you stopped listening or responding, it's that you've taken your attention away with your body language. 

This causes her to WORK for it. In her subconscious mind, because she has to work harder for your attention, you take on the role of something that must be obtained, and when something has to be worked for, it becomes more valuable (at least by association). 

When someone sees something valuable they have to work in order to obtain, this want turns to desire. You're not giving her the attention she's used to, and it drives her crazy and sets you apart from other guys. 

Try it. And, click the link below to watch a short video showing other fail-proof tactics to creating deep, addictive desire within any woman. 

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