If you are one of those people who are interested in self defense and/or martial arts, this website will interest you as much as it did me.
The site is Eyal Yanilov’s MaxKravMaga and it is the best that I have ever seen:
Click Here
It is by far the most complete self defense video training program i have ever tried. Not only is the program put together in a clear, easy to understand structure.. but the level of instruction you get with Eyal Yanilov is so superior to other programs i tried that it’s really hard to explain.. you have to experience it to understand.
I have been curious about Krav Maga for quite some time now and read about Eyal Yanilov online.. I quickly found Eyal Yanilov’s MaxKravMaga and decided not to think too much and simply try it. The website said that membership comes with a 100% money back guarantee so i realized i had nothing to lose.
Eyal Yanilov is the creator of the site and the most widely accepted Krav Maga authority in the world today.. I figured if i want to learn Krav Maga.. this is the guy i should learn form.
After pulling the trigger on my purchase i became a premium member of Eyal’s online video training program and was absolutely amazed from the get-go. I can't say enough about the level of the videos, instruction and customer service you get when you become a member of Eyal Yanilov’s MaxKravMaga. Three days after becoming a member i had a question which i posted to the support forums… i got a reply within 5 minutes.. 5 minutes!
One of the biggest pluses of becoming a member of the program is the member’s only technique discussion and analysis forums. You have access to other members of the program from all over the world and it basically feels like a community of people that are all eager to learn Krav Maga and help each other.
The amount of instructional videos that you get as a member is amazing.. every reality based self defense scenario you can possibly imagine is covered… far and way more thorough, complete and professional than anything else i have encountered… and i have tried many of them!
Highly recommended! Make sure to get your membership now though.. Eyal has a limited time discounted offer going and it’s about to expire.
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